Frequently Asked Questions
Maybe you have a few questions. That’s okay; most people do. So here’s a quick collection of some of the most frequently asked questions people ask us, along with our answers. If you still have a question that isn’t listed here, don’t hesitate to contact us through the short form or give us a call, and we’ll be happy to answer your question. 🙂
Q: What does HVAC Actually stand for?
Answer: HVAC is short for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning. It is used to describe the entire heating and cooling system inside of residential and commercial real estate. It describes the three main areas which are the heating system, the cooling system and then the ventilation duct network to control where the hot or cold air will go.
Q: How Often Should My Air Filter Be Checked?
Answer: It is recommended to change the air filter once a month. During the seasons where your system is having to work more (like summer or winter), you should check more often. If your system uses a disposable filter, (the ones that have a cardboard edge) and its dirty, then just replace it. Don’t attempt to clean it. Now, there are some 1 inch high efficiency pleated air filters that can go up to 3 months till you need to replace it.
Q: Where Can I Find My Air Filter Location?
Answer: Every HVAC system has a different location for the air filter depending on the type of system it is. If you are not sure of where your air filter is located, learning where would be to your advantage. Usually there is a removable/opening access door where the return air duct is next to the furnace or in door unit. This could be located in a utility closet, attic, crawl space, garage or basement. Occasionally, especially in older type systems, the filter can be located in the furnace, next to what is known as the blower motor. There are also some systems that have what is known as a central filter grill installed inside of a wall or ceiling. The grill swings open like a door revealing a the filter.
Q: How Many Air Filters Do I Actually Have?
Answer: Depending on the type of system you have, it’s possible to have more than one filter. There are some systems, especially larger ones, that may have more than one filter. (Although Not Many Do) Moreover, the filters can even be different sizes from each other. If you have more than one system at a property, then you definitely have more than one filter.
Q: Are All Filters For Central AC Systems The Same?
Answer: No they are not all the same. They are different in the size and quality/benefits they provide. There is a rating/measurement system for central hvac systems that measures how much debris and how many particles are filtered/restricted from flowing back into the homes breathable air. The rating system is called a MERV rating. The acronym stands for minimum efficiency reporting value and ranges from 1-20. The higher the MERV rating number, the more particles the filter will catch and filter out of the air. However, its always best to stick with the MERV rating that the original manufacturer of your central ac system recommends. This way the pressures that the system was designed for will not be thrown off.
Q: How Often Should I Have My Systems Checked For Maintenance?
Answer: Most HVAC professionals recommend to have your heating system checked in the fall and you air conditioning system in the spring. This way you are prepared for the coming seasons harsh temperatures.
Q: What Is The Importance Of Maintaining My HVAC Systems?
Answer: These systems are much like anything else that needs maintenance because of the inevitable laws of time, aging and wear from operation. You more than likely would not get a brand new car and assume that you will never have to change the oil, inflate the tires or air filter to keep all the systems in car operating effectively and efficiently. Your home comfort systems can be considered like an automobiles engine. It has many mechanical devices in it like a motor does and it also has electrical and electronic devices attached to those as well. It is vital to have routine maintenance done on your HVAC systems by a qualified technician.
Q: Why has R22 (refrigerant type) been phased out?
Answer: The environmental protection agency has the mission of protecting the environment and human health. Furthermore, the number one thing that the EPA seeks to ensure is America’s air, land and water stays as clean, healthy and safe as possible. So since the chemicals in the R22 refrigerant are harmful to our ozone and environment…..the refrigerant has been discontinued and replaced by refrigerants that are safe for our ozone. So it is scheduled to be “Phased Out” and “Outlawed” because of these variables.
Q: What refrigerant is going to replace R22?
Answer: The new environmentally friendly refrigerant that will replace R22 is called R-410A. This refrigerant is environmentally friendly so if any leaks ever occur (and they will), the ozone/environment won’t be effected by these common system leaks.
Q: How does an air conditioning system actually work?
Answer: On a basic level, an air conditioning system works to absorb heat energy and humidity from the air by transferring the heat and humidity outside of the room or house being conditioned. Then the air is replaced by cooler air that passes through the refrigerated tubing in the air conditioning system.
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